Carr Allison is pleased to welcome associates Chancey R. Miller and Michael J. Petherick to the Chattanooga, TN office.
Chancey’ s practice will focus on transportation, premises liability and commercial litigation matters. Chancey graduated summa cum laude from the University of Tennessee College of Business Administration in Business Analytics. He earned his Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, from the University of Tennessee College of Law with a concentration in advocacy and dispute resolution. While in law school, he received multiple CALI Excellence for the Future Awards and was a member of the Tennessee Law Review and Transactions: Tennessee Journal of Business Law.
Michael’s practice will concentrate on matters involving premises liability, construction and complex litigation. Michael received his Bachelor of Arts degree, summa cum laude, from the University of Tennessee (Knoxville) with a major in History. He earned his Juris Doctor from the University of Tennessee College of Law, graduating cum laude. While in law school, Michael received several awards, including being named a Tennessee Law Student for Justice which is an honor given by the Tennessee Supreme Court in recognition of pro bono service. He was also ho
nored with CALI Excellence for the Future Awards for achievement in the studies of Contract Drafting and Civil Pretrial Litigation. Michael served as Research Editor for the Tennessee Journal of Race, Gender and Social Justice, a Senior Staff Member for Transactions: The Tennessee Journal of Business Law and as an Editor for the Tennessee Journal of Law and Policy.