Gambacurta Obtains Summary Judgment

Carr Allison shareholder Virginia “Ginny” Gambacurta, obtained summary judgment in Lee County Circuit Court (AL) on behalf of a national restaurant client.  The plaintiff in the case alleged she slipped and fell when she stepped in an unknown slippery substance on the floor of the restaurant.   The defense argued that the plaintiff failed to present sufficient evidence of any hazardous condition and, even if a hazardous condition was present at the time of the plaintiff’s fall, the restaurant did not create the alleged hazardous condition nor did the restaurant have notice of the alleged hazardous condition prior to the plaintiff’s fall.  Following submission of the briefs and oral argument, summary judgment was granted in favor of the restaurant.

Great Results!


Carr Allison Announces New Shareholders and Counsel

Carr Allison congratulates the following attorneys who have been named Shareholder: Marissa A. de los Reyes – (Jacksonville, FL) Hannah R. DellaSala – (Birmingham, AL) Jeffrey A. Foster – (Tallahassee, FL) Patrick Franklin – (Birmingham, AL) Melanie Lehmann – (Jacksonville, FL) Ashley E. Manning – (Birmingham, AL) Sean M. O’Neil […]

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Moss and McCullers Obtain Summary Judgment

Walker Moss and Crawford McCullers of our Birmingham office obtained summary judgment in the Circuit Court of Lee County (AL) on behalf of a national retail client. The plaintiff in the case alleged she tripped and fell on an unmarked curb outside of the store. The defense argued that the […]

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Rock Published in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy

Madeline A. Rock, associate in Birmingham, was published in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, the nation’s oldest law review dedicated to the art of trial advocacy. Read the article here:

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