Carr Allison’s Toxic and Mass Torts Group is led by experienced attorneys who have many years of experience in both state and federal courts defending single and multi-plaintiff lawsuits alleging exposure to asbestos, silica and various toxic chemicals. Our Toxic and Mass Tort Group utilizes its unique relationships with other defense counsel locally and around the nation to coordinate the defense of these cases so as to handle them as efficiently and expeditiously as possible.

We have successfully handled cases both “in-house” and in conjunction with national coordinating counsel for certain clients who have been targeted in multiple states around the nation. We also make use of client extranets and other technologies to better coordinate defenses not only with particular clients but with counsel who may be defending those same clients in similar cases in other states.

At the same time, the members of our Toxic and Mass Tort Group remain keenly aware that there is no “one size fits all” litigation strategy for these kinds of cases. Accordingly, at the outset, we make every effort to assess our clients’ goals and preferred strategies and to achieve those goals and implement those strategies to the greatest extent possible given the realities of the particular litigation at issue.

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Carr Allison Announces New Shareholders and Counsel

Carr Allison congratulates the following attorneys who have been named Shareholder: Marissa A. de los Reyes – (Jacksonville, FL) Hannah R. DellaSala – (Birmingham, AL) Jeffrey A. Foster – (Tallahassee, FL) Patrick Franklin – (Birmingham, AL) Melanie Lehmann – (Jacksonville, FL) Ashley E. Manning – (Birmingham, AL) Sean M. O’Neil […]

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Moss and McCullers Obtain Summary Judgment

Walker Moss and Crawford McCullers of our Birmingham office obtained summary judgment in the Circuit Court of Lee County (AL) on behalf of a national retail client. The plaintiff in the case alleged she tripped and fell on an unmarked curb outside of the store. The defense argued that the […]

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Rock Published in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy

Madeline A. Rock, associate in Birmingham, was published in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, the nation’s oldest law review dedicated to the art of trial advocacy. Read the article here:

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