Mediation is a process in which a trained impartial third party meets with the parties to a dispute and assists them in the negotiation of their differences. In civil lawsuits, mediation is often ordered by the court before the case comes to trial. Mediation can also be very helpful in resolving business disputes.
The members of Carr Allison’s Mediation Practice Group bring together decades of experience as civil litigators, combined with training in the mediation field, to mediate cases and help those cases settle on terms that all parties agree with. One of our mediators served as an Alabama District Court judge for a decade. In addition, the Group includes a 30 year practioner who serves as a member of the Alabama State Bar Board of Commisioners elected by the entire Board of Bar Commissioners, both plaintiff and defense lawyers. Pre-trial mediation often settles cases, which saves parties time, expense and risk of trial.