Carr Allison Wins Big in Circuit Court


Carr Allison attorneys Bo Kirkpatrick and Joe Driver scored a big victory protecting employer’s rights under the Alabama Workers’ Compensation Act.  The plaintiff/employee in Huey v. Stryker Trailers, LLC, (Calhoun County, CV-2023-900328), sued his employer for negligence based on a work-related injury to his finger.  The employer moved to dismiss the tort claim because the plaintiff’s exclusive remedy for a work-related injury is pursuant to the Act.  The plaintiff responded by contending that the exclusivity provisions of the Act could not be enforced because the entire Act is unconstitutional. If the Act were to be ruled unconstitutional, work injuries would have to be treated like any other negligence case. Kirkpatrick and Driver presented the argument that the Act is constitutional.  The trial judge agreed, entering an Order finding the Act constitutional.

This is a huge win for employers in Alabama!


Carr Allison Announces New Shareholders and Counsel

Carr Allison congratulates the following attorneys who have been named Shareholder: Marissa A. de los Reyes – (Jacksonville, FL) Hannah R. DellaSala – (Birmingham, AL) Jeffrey A. Foster – (Tallahassee, FL) Patrick Franklin – (Birmingham, AL) Melanie Lehmann – (Jacksonville, FL) Ashley E. Manning – (Birmingham, AL) Sean M. O’Neil […]

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Moss and McCullers Obtain Summary Judgment

Walker Moss and Crawford McCullers of our Birmingham office obtained summary judgment in the Circuit Court of Lee County (AL) on behalf of a national retail client. The plaintiff in the case alleged she tripped and fell on an unmarked curb outside of the store. The defense argued that the […]

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Rock Published in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy

Madeline A. Rock, associate in Birmingham, was published in the American Journal of Trial Advocacy, the nation’s oldest law review dedicated to the art of trial advocacy. Read the article here:

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